Eczema (Atopic dermatitis)

A close-up of bad psoriasis on a person's arm

what is eczema?

it’s a condition that causes dry, itchy and inflamed skin. It’s usually common in young children but can occur at any age. it’s a long lasting (chronic) and tends to flare sometimes. It can be irritating but it’s not contagious.

What is the main cause of eczema?

Common triggers include: irritants – such as soaps and detergents, such as shampoo and washing-up liquid. environmental factors or allergens – such as cold and dry weather, dampness, and more specific things such as house dust mites, pet fur, pollen and moulds etc.

Eczema treatment

Lifestyle and home remedies

Moisturize your skin at least twice a day.

Apply an anti-itch cream to the affected area.

Take an oral allergy or anti-itch medication.

Don’t scratch.

Take a daily bath or shower.

Use a gentle, non-soap cleanser.


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