seborrheic dermatitis

Cropped short of a woman's dandruff in the hair and scalp

what is seborrheic dermatitis?

“Seborrheic” refers to the “sebaceous” glands while “derm” means “skin.” It’s called “dandruff” (pityriasis capitis) when it’s on a teenager’s or adult’s scalp, and “cradle cap” when it’s on a baby’s. Seborrheic dermatitis    is a form of Eczema where there is prominent inflammation on parts of the body where there are a lot of sebaceous (oil) producing glands, like our scalp, chest, face/forehead, our eyebrow, the nose and the upper back, behind your ears, navel (belly button), under your breasts, bends of your arms, legs and groin. It usually results in itching, redness, of the skin and skin peeling and sometimes dandruff over the affected area.

Causes of Seborrheic Dermatitis

The cause of seborrheic dermatitis is still not well understood but it is believed to be genetically in origin and it has also been linked with an overgrowth of a type of yeast on our skin called Malassezia furfur.

seborrheic dermatitis symptoms

  • Itchy white flakes of skin on your scalp (dandruff). When they are scratched, the flakes come loose, mix in with your hair, or fall onto your neck and shoulders.
  • Red scales on the skin.
  • Crusty yellow scales on infants’ heads (cradle cap). Cradle cap shouldn’t itch, but scratching may cause additional inflammation in the area and break the skin, leading to bleeding or mild infections.
  • scaly redness on the edges of your eyelids
  • Pinkish plaques (thick skin) of scales on both sides of your face.
  • Flaky patches on your chest and at your hairline that are shaped like a flower petal or a ring.
  • Redness in the folds and creases of your genitals, armpits and beneath your breasts.
  • Inflamed hair follicles on your cheeks and the upper half of your trunk.

who are at risk?

Who gets seborrheic dermatitis?

It can occur classically in two groups of patients. Firstly, infants younger than three months, secondly Adults between 30 to 60. Usually more common in males than females and in Caucasians more than African Americans If you are born with naturally oily skin, you are more likely to get this type of dermatitis. A history of psoriasis in your family makes you also vulnerable as well. for People who live in a dry, cold region, the weather doesn’t cause the seborrheic dermatitis, but it does make it worse. Seborrheic dermatitis is also seen more commonly in patients with the following health issues: Immunosuppression like Hiv and organ transplant recipients, Psychiatric disorders like depression, Neurological disorders like Parkinson disease. You’re also more prone to seborrheic dermatitis if you are taking these psychotropic medications like, Lithium, Buspirone, Haloperidol, Chlorpromazine.

Triggers of seborrheic dermatitis

 Common triggers for the onset of the condition include:

  • A type of yeast called Malassezia, which is usually present on everyone’s skin, but overgrow in some people.
  • increased level of androgens (hormone).
  • increased level of skin lipids.
  • inflammatory reaction.
  • Family history (dermatitis runs in the family).
  • Cold and dry climate.
  • Oily skin.
  • Using alcohol-based lotions.
  • History of other skin disorders, including rosacea, psoriasis and acne.

seborrheic dermatitis treatment

Cradle cap (infants)

it usually clears up without treatment when the child is between eight and 12 months old. It may be treated daily with a mild baby shampoo. you could help your child remove the excess scales by applying coconut oil or olive oil on their scalp for three to four hours before washing it off with a gentle hydrating shampoo.

Adolescents and adults:

Treatment includes a combination of anti-fungal cream to remove the over growth of these on our skin and if it occurs on the scalp, anti-fungal shampoo is also very helpful.

Treatments for seborrheic dermatitis of the face and body include topical antifungals, corticosteroids.






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